Good Life with osteoArthritis
«Do you feel Pain or Stiffness in you Knees or Hips?»
Then you can greatly benefit from the GLA:D® PROGRAMME SWITZERLAND
Arthrosis is one of the most common Diseases in Switzerland as well as worldwide.
We recommend a combination of consultancy, instruction, exersise and – if necessary- weight control. This is in accordance to international guidelines set up by professional bodies such as EULAR and OARS for knee and hip arthrosis.
What you should know about GLA:D
GLA:D® stands for «Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark». The programme, consisting of three sections: “guidance and instruction”, “exercises” and “quality control through data collection” was introduced in Denmark in 2013.
The aim of GLA:D is to put international best practice guidelines into effect in a quality-controlled manner ( and to enable people with arthrosis to enjoy a good quality of life. GLA:D® has also been successfully introduced in Australia, Canada and China in recent years. Since May 2019 this highly effective programme is now also available in Switzerland. Their introduction here was promoted by a lobby consisting of teaching and research representatives at the universities of applied sciences (HES-SO, SUPSI and ZHAW), the practice (Swiss Association for Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapy) and patients (Rheumaliga Schweiz).
The GLA:D® Switzerland programme uses a uniform examination method consisting of standardised, evidence-based, practice-proven counselling, instructions and exercises with individual settings for dosage and intensity. Once patients have completed the programme, they have sufficient skills to manage their knee or hip problems independently. Long-term results from Denmark after 12 months** confirm: pain, walking ability and quality of life remained significantly better after 3 and 12 months and there was no decrease after 12 months as with other treatment methods.
Experts will support you and continually check your progress with GLA:D
The GLA:D® Switzerland programme is an all-inclusive concept and is offered and carried out by trained and certified physiotherapists. In addition to the entry and exit examination, patients are followed up with questionnaires after 8 to 12 weeks and after 12 months. All collected data is submitted in an anonymised format to the GLA:D® Switzerland Register, where an annual report is generated. The data collection has been approved by the respective ethics committees throughout Switzerland.
And this is how the Programme works:
As a patient you carry out the GLA:D programme, called 3-2-12-1 as follows:
Individual sessions with an entry examination, a number of tests and a practical introduction to the exercise programme
Here you will be given an assessment of your current situation, followed by an introduction to the exercise programme.
Group lectures with information on knee and hip joints and instructions
Physiotherapists explain how the GLA:D programme works and how you can benefit from it long-term.
Group sessions with a neuromuscular exercise programme
You learn how to control your movements and posture, train your muscle strength and acquire the knowledge to integrate functional exercises into your everyday life
One last individual consultation is carried out with an exit examination, including a short report to the referring doctor
Your physiotherapist reviews the success of your programme here.
Before you start: Consult your doctor to find out whether this programme is suitable for you.
GLA:D Switzerland
Knee and Hip Arthrosis does not only affect older People.
It is very common in Persons between the age of 30 to 45 years.
Contact us to make an appointment.
Important information on data processing
If you send the data entered in the contact form by clicking on the button below, you agree that we can use your information to answer your request or to contact you. A transfer to third parties does not take place, unless applicable data protection regulations justify a transfer or we are legally obliged to do so. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. If you withdraw your consent, your data will be deleted immediately. Otherwise, your data will be deleted when we have processed your request or the purpose of storage no longer applies. You can find out about the data stored about you at any time. Further information on data protection can also be found in the data protection declaration on this website.
Physiotherapie Davies GmbH
Chrischonastrasse 38
CH – 4058 Basel
Telephone +41 61 683 32 84
Fax +41 61 683 32 85
Opening hours
Mon: 07:00 – 19:00
Tue: 07:00 – 20:00
Wed: 07:00 – 19:00
Thu: 07:00 – 20:00
Fri: 07:00 – 18:30
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