+41 61 683 32 84 info@physio-davies.ch


Allow me to take Care of your Feet!

«Give your Feet a special Treat- they carry you to many places every Day»

What is Podiatry?

Podiatry is the non-medical Therapy of the Foot.

The name derives from the Greek word “podos” – for foot and logos for teaching. Podiatry is defined as a medical profession as well as a non-medical healing profession by the Podiatry Act (PodG) . Usually, podiatrists work together with health insurance companies. Many patients with a number of ailments, such as for instance diabetics suffering from diabetic foot syndrome, can obtain a prescription from their doctor for complex podiatric treatment. Additionally, regular non-medical foot problems such as corns, calluses, nail mycosis, calluses and ingrown toenails can be successfully treated by regular foot care.

What I can offer

Relax and put yourself in my hands for the Treatment of your Feet.

My training also allows treatment of patients with compromised immune systems, diabetes mellitus, PAVK, rheumatism and polyneuropathy.

  • Individual Advice for the correct care of your feet and legs
  • Care and treatment of skin and nails on healthy and diseased feet
  • Professional shortening of nails
  • Removal and Treatment of clavi (corns)
  • Removal and Treatment of hyperkeratosis (cornea / calluses)
  • Treatment of Unguis incarnatus (ingrown nails)
  • Nail prosthetics (artificial nail replacement)
  • Nail clamps (for correction of a nail malposition)
  • Orthoses (silicone reliefs specially adapted to toes)
  • Foot and lower leg massage for prevention and well-being
    protective dressings for wound care

Important information about the treatments

  • Risk patients such as rheumatics, haemophiliacs and diabetics are treated and cared for in a professional manner. This is done in close cooperation with diabetologists, dermatologists, rheumatologists and orthopaedic surgeons
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus (diabetes) should pay particular attention to their foot health, as they often suffer from nail fungus, pressure sores and calluses, which can have serious consequences such as diabetic foot syndrome. Podiactric complex treatment is particularly suitable for diabetics
  • Nail correction braces are aids for correcting all forms of ingrown, curled and deformed nails. These braces are made of various materials. Diabetics usually receive a prescription (private patients receive a prescription) from their treating doctor
  • Children’s feet need to be treated with special care as any mishandling may cause pain or discomfort in older age
  • Orthoses are used to correct deformities of toes. They also protect against pressure and friction points on the foot. These orthoses are made from a special medical silicone

Give your Feet some Attention- and make an Appointment!

Physio Davies Form EN

Physiotherapie Davies GmbH
Chrischonastrasse 38
CH - 4058 Basel

Telephone +41 61 683 32 84
Fax +41 61 683 32 85

Opening Hours
Mon:    07:00 – 20:00
Tue:     07:00 – 20:00
Wed:    07:00 – 20:00
Thu:     07:00 – 20:00
Fri:       07:00 – 18:00

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